
Courses of the Master’s and Doctoral Programs

The courses of the PPGED Concentration Area, along with the selected research area, provide specialization to students. The Concentration area of the Program comprises the following courses:

ECD 625 – Family Study 4(4-0) I.

Introduction to “family study”: an exercise of denaturalization and desuniversalization or how to build dominant models. Family as a historical and culturally constructed category from classic studies on family. “Family” in the work of classical Western thought:: Morgan, Engels, Freud, Malinowsky, Reisch, Marcuse, Lévi-Strauss, Mead, Adorno, Hokheimer, Habermas, Mitchell. The family and the Brazilian society: domestic life and agro-export economy, domestic life and urban process in Gilberto Freire. Family and society in Brazil with Antonio Candido. The family as a social construction: category of common sense to the analytical category. Emerging issues that are related and structure the analysis of family nowadays. Family and derived categories: marital patterns, honor, shame, love, sex / sexuality, body, feminism and gender. Thematic seminars of students – elected on the basis of dissertation object.

ECD 627 – Family and Aging 2(2-0) I.

The task of taking care and social expectations facing an aging population: the importance of (re) define the role of the family. The context of taking care: a brief historical landmark. Quality of life in old age. Extensive issues and major socio-economic implications of population aging.

ECD 628 Youth: Social Insertion and Life Projects 4(4-0) I.

Contexts and trajectories of Brazilian youth development. Current interactions between families, society and young people. Studies on youth and life project: the multiple dimensions involved. Social insertion and the world of labor. Vulnerability and psychosocial risk factors for young people. Advances in the development of public policies for youth.

ECD 640 – Economic Theory 4(4-0) I.

Definition, Evolution, Developments and Applications of Economic Theory. Microeconomic Theory. The Consumer Theory. Elementary Theory of Market Operation. Theory of the Firm. Market Structures. General Equilibrium Theory and the Welfare Economics. Macroeconomic Theory. Measurement of Macroeconomic Activity. Analysis of Keynes’s General Theory. Internacional Trade. Monetary Economics. Growth and Economic Development to Sustainable Development.

ECD 642 Labor. Technology and Daily Life 4(4-0) II.

Daily life. Forms of organization of work and work activities. The technologies of everyday use and their relation with work.

ECD 643 Institutional Analysis 4(2-4) I and II.

Institutions and society. The concept of power in Foucault and the role of institutions. The institutionalist movement: concepts and approaches.

ECD 644 – Family and Resource Management 4(3-2) II.

Introduction to the study of the theories related to the family ecosystem. Ecological systems theory Characteristics and organization of the family unit and its interfaces in different environments. Resource management in family under an ecosystem perspective. The family economy and its “output”: welfare and quality of life. Prospects for research using the ecosystem theory: concrete experiences.

ECD 645 – Consumer Education 4(4-0) II.

Consumer Education Consumer decision-making. Resources management. Citizen participation in the consumer society.

ECD 650 – Urbanization, Sociability and Ways of Life 4(4-0) II.

The ‘urban phenomenon’ and its power to explain the ways of life. The interpretation of the social transformations associated with modernity. The world of work and new forms of sociability. Culture, consumption and commercialization of space.

ECD 651 – Public Policies of Housing 4(4-0) I.

The urbanization process in Brazil. Housing in urban Brazil: context and intervention public policies. Urban and housing policies: tools, challenges and assessment.

ECD 688 – Academic Insertion I 1(0-2) I and II

Prepare scientific articles, submit them to Qualis Periodic A or B and submit the shipping voucher. Submit a statement of attendance to Research Group, issued by the Permanent Teacher of the Program, leader of the group.

ECD 692 – Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Research with Children 4(4-0) I.

Scientific knowledge and the early methods for the study of children and families. The child as an object of study of the home economics. Children as data sources to understand the family and society. Searching childhoods: dialogue with developmental psychology, sociology, anthropology, history and education. Searching with families and children: diversity of methods. Epistemological and methodological reflections about listening to children. The importance to listen to children as family members. Questions for multidisciplinary debate. Ethics in researches with children and family. The professional as a researcher.

ECD 693 Piagetian Clinical Method 4(4-0) I.

The first methods for studying children. Representation of the world and sociological studies. The Piagetian clinical method. Analysis of research using the piagetian clinical method: evolution of the studies.

ECD 720 – Family, Interdisciplinary Perspectives 4(4-0) I and II.

Theoretical perspective: from the medieval family to the modern family and postmodern. Sociological aspects of family. Anthropological contributions for family study. The approach in psychology. Family economic dimensions.

ECD 721 – Family and Human Development 4(4-0) I and II.

Development issues: object, method, and trends in the search. Theoretical perspectives on the study of human development. New approaches in psychology of human development.

ECD 722 – Family and Public Policies 4(4-0) I and II.

Family and society: contextualizing the family and its relational space. Social issues, citizenship, politics and public administration. Public policies and their analysis: conceptual debate and practical reflections. Social policies in capitalism: fundamentals, situation, trends and challenges.

ECD 723 – The Child and the Adolescent in the Family and Society 4(4-0) I and II.

The historical transformation in conceptions of childhood. Childhood, Family, Society and Social Problems. Vulnerability in childhood and adolescence. Legislation and public policies for childhood and adolescence. Children and adolescents institutionalized.

ECD 724 – Family, Aging and everydayness 4(4-0) I and II.

The aging of the world population. Aging, the life cycle. Elderly in a society in change: social impacts of aging (historical perspective). Economic consequences of population aging. Daily maintenance of the elderly. Aging and policies in an international perspective.

ECD 726 – Theories for the Study of Family 4(4-0) II.

The foundations of the theory of family process. The relational space. Family roles. The family career. The interaction of families with the environments. Beyond the theory: ethics, ideology and metatheory. The practice in studies of families.

ECD 740 – Advanced Studies About Consumption 4(4-0) I and II.

Evolution of consumerism. Economic approach of the consumer behavior. Consumer culture and modernity. Consumer society. Consumption and technology. Consumption vs. environment.

ECD 742 – Work Technology and Everyday Life 4(4-0) I and II.

Theoretical incursions into everyday life. Work, its history and transformations. The technologies and its social exploitation.

ECD 752 – Domestic Space and Social Transformations 4(4-0) I and II.

Domestic space and the incorporation of social transformation. Technological innovations, time and domestic space in contemporaneity. Family and domestic space. Domestic space and division of labor.

ECD 760 – Culture, Identity and Embodiment 4(4-0) I and II.

Culture, symbolism and the social construction of the body. History of the body. Identity and embodiment. Containment mechanisms of bodies. Cult of the body, ideal beauty, consumption and identity. Body, stigma and aging.

ECD 762 Gender, Socialization and labor 4(4-0) II.

Cultural pedagogies and socialization process. Sexual division of labor and gender inequalities. Feminist movement and theoretical conceptions about gender. Gender public policies.

ECD 788 – Academic Insertion II 2(0-4) I and II

Develop at least two (2) scientific articles, submit them to Qualis Periodic A or B and submit shipping voucher. Submit a statement of attendance to Research Group, issued by the Permanent Teacher of the Program, leader of the group.

ECD 790 – Special Topics I 1(1 – 0) I and II.

Course without regular offer, taught by visiting professors or from the institution itself, concentrated or not. Variable content covering topics important to the overall formation of the student, not covered in the other regular courses offered at UFV.

ECD 791 – Special Topics II 2(2 – 0) I and II.

Course without regular offer, taught by visiting professors or from the institution itself, concentrated or not. Variable content covering topics important to the overall formation of the student, not covered in the other regular courses offered at UFV.

ECD 792 – Special Topics III 3(3 – 0) I and II.

Course without regular offer, taught by visiting professors or from the institution itself, concentrated or not. Variable content covering topics important to the overall formation of the student, not covered in the other regular courses offered at UFV.

ECD 794 – Special Issues in Family and Society I 1(1-0) I and II.

It aims at offering students the opportunity to study topics of interest related to the specific area of research and judged important for their training.

ECD 795 – Special Issues in Family and Society II 2(2-0) I and II.

It aims at offering students the opportunity to study topics of interest related to the specific area of research and judged important for their training.

ECD 796 – Special Issues in Family and Society III 3(3-0) I and II.

It aims at offering students the opportunity to study topics of interest related to the specific area of research and judged important for their training.

ECD 797 – Seminar 2(2-0) I and II

This course aims at the discussion and exchange of experiences where graduate students attend seminars presented by invited researchers and also present a seminar whose content should address the subject of his dissertation.

ECD 799 – Research

The set of courses of related domain of the PPGED is considered fundamental for the training of teachers.

ADM 662 – Qualitative Methods in Social Sciences 3(2-2) II

Epistemological Approach. Data collection methods. Data Methods. Broadcasting Qualitative Research.

ADM 663 – Quantitative Methods in Social Sciences I 3(2-2) II

Basic rules, methods and research techniques in Applied Social Sciences. Measurement and data collection in Applied Social Sciences. Collection of primary and secondary data in Applied Social Sciences. Tools for collection of primary data in Applied Social Sciences. Exploratory data analysis: construction and presentation. Hypothesizing and statistical inference. Measures of parametric and non-parametric associations. Introduction to data multivariate analysis. Writing and presenting your research results.

ECD 615 – Anthropological Theory 3(3-0) II.

History of anthropological thought. Anthropology in Brazil. Peasant societies. Complex societies. Construction of genders. An anthropology of the home economics.

ECD 691 – Research Methodology in Social and Applied Social Sciences 4(4-0) I.

Science, knowledge and scientific research: the origin of the present. Scientific research in the humanities and applied social sciences. Scientific research and its theoretical and philosophical frame of reference. The planning of scientific research and the context of the discovery: the challenges of objectivity and rationality of science. The planning of research and the context of the justification: the results to the construction of theories and dissemination of research.

ECD 776 – Teaching Internship I 1(0-2) I and II

Course that aims at offering educational training for Graduate students, enabling them to gain experience in teaching, planning and teaching theoretical and practical classes for undergraduate in the Department of Home Economics under the supervision and guidance of the teacher responsible for the course.

ECD 777 – Teaching Internship II 2(0-4) I and II

Course that aims at offering educational training for Graduate students, enabling them to gain experience in teaching, planning and teaching theoretical and practical classes for undergraduate in the Department of Home Economics under the supervision and guidance of the teacher responsible for the course.

ECD 778 – Teaching Internship III 3(0-6) I and II

Course that aims at offering educational training for Graduate students, enabling them to gain experience in teaching, planning and teaching theoretical and practical classes for undergraduate in the Department of Home Economics under the supervision and guidance of the teacher responsible for the course.

ECO 680 – Public Policies and Development 4(4-0) II.

Polity, Politics and Policy. Political Elites and the State Bureaucracy. The Political System in Brazil. Elements of Politics. The Political Reform. Elements of the “Policy”: The State Reform in Brazil. Political Development and the Study of Public Policies. Study of Genesis of Public Policies. Types of Public Policies. Public Policy Evaluation

EDU 611 – Social Psychology 3(3-0) I

Introduction: some basic questions about the theoretical and methodological foundations of psychology. The human psyche as a process that originates from collective activity or historically accumulated social practice, driven by the individual activity. The role of psychology in the understanding and conduction of group processes.

EDU 660 – Methodology of Higher Education 3(2-2) I and II

Education and didactics as a reflection field. The Teaching / Learning process and student teacher interaction. The planning of didactic action. Teaching techniques. Evaluation. The Teaching and Research in Higher Education.

ERU 604 – Brazilian Economy I 3(3-0) II

Origins of industrialization. Origins of regional disparities. Postwar until 1960. The crisis of the 60s and the PAEG (Government’s Economic Action Plan). The return of the rapid growth: 1968/1973. External shocks and adjustment policies. Income distribution.

ERU 606 – Sociology of Economic Life 4(4-0) II.

Background and historical trajectory of the economy and sociology. Genesis of economic sociology: the classics of sociology. The dialogue with anthropology: contributions of the Theory of Reciprocity of K. Polanyi and M. Salhins. New economic sociology. New economic sociology and new institutional economics. Seminars.

ERU 607 – State and Public Policies for Rural Development 4(4-0) I.

Nation state genesis, formation and crisis. Contemporary state and social policies: types and schemes of social welfare state. Brazilian state: training and current configuration. Theories of public policies: types, cycle, institutions and actors. Public policies for rural development: the current context. Rural extension and public policies.

ERU 608 – Sociological theory 4(4-0) I.

Classical authors responsible for the initial development of sociology. Topics of the contemporary sociological theory. The degradation of the work in the twentieth century. Transversalities in the working world.

ERU 612 – Social Anthropology 4(4-0) I.

Intercultural contacts and their intentions. Contacts and ethnographies. In the backstage of field research. The respondent field. Anthropologist as an interpreter. Post modernity: when the anthropologist turns an object. Anthropologist and ethics. Anthropological contributions for the rural extension.

ERU 614 – Development Sociology 3(3-0) I.

Concepts of development. Liberal Western models of development. Critical prospects of development. Globalization and development in the international context. Rural development. Other issues of Brazilian development.

ERU 618 – Theory of Collective Representations 4(4-0) II.

First approaches to collective representation. Contemporary approaches to the process of representation. Interdisciplinary in representation studies. Representation and memory. Representation and identity. Representation and space. Representations of the rural world. The representations of the extension agents of the rural world.

ERU 624 – Research Methodology I 4(4-0) II

The crisis of civilization and the crisis of knowledge. The types of research (exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, forecast and evaluation). Theoretical orientation of the research: hypothesis and theory. Epistemological principles for the apprehension of reality. Task of epistemology: surveillance of methodological concepts and procedures in scientific practice. The contours of the research. Experimental delineation. Survey. Participant observation. Historical method. Interdisciplinarity and epistemology of convergence.

ERU 715 – Gender, Science and Technology for Rural Environment 4(4-0) I

Social institutional perspectives of gender relations in the academy. The teaching and research in the field of agricultural sciences. Gender perspectives in epistemology and philosophy of science and technology. Gender perspectives in scientific and technological education.

EST 630 – Statistical Methods I 4(4-0) I

Mathematical expectation. Covariance. Hypothesis testing. Estimation of population parameters. Regression analysis. Identity test of the regression model. Correlation analysis. Using software.

LET 612 – Analysis of Discourse Genres 4(4-0) I and II

Genre concepts, rhetorical pattern, type and text string. Theoretical and methodological perspectives of genres. Critical semiotic-discursive perspective of the study of genres. Discourse genres: multimodality and intertextuality. The relation between discursive gender and teaching.

LET 613 – Theoretical Foundation in Discourse Analysis 4(4-0) I and II

The different conceptions of the discourse. Linguistic discourse analysis. Discourse analysis precursors. The heterogeneity of the discourse. The constitution of agents and their discourses. Approaches in discourse analysis. Discourse and education.


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